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Edgar Nikitin

Disaster Management Book Class 9 Ncert Free BEST 100

In this article, you can read all about biological disaster management in India for IAS Exam. Disaster management is an important topic in the UPSC syllabus and one that is featured regularly in the newspapers. Here, you can read about the term, types, and the institutional and legal frameworks in India.

disaster management book class 9 ncert free 100

(a) A sudden happening that causes enormous damage to life, property and social aspects of a nation or society is called a disaster.(b) Disasters are of two types:Man-made disasters: These disasters are the result of technological or human hazards. Examples of man-made disasters are road accidents, forest fires, collapsing of building due to usage of poor quality materials, etc.Natural disasters: There are due to imbalance occurring in nature various environmental factors. Examples of natural disasters are earthquakes, volcanic eruption, etc.(c) Disaster management is the strategy and course of action to be executed at the time of any disaster to save as much life as possible. (d) Main components of disaster management are:Preparation: A plan is created to minimise the damage if a disaster occurs.Redemption: It is the plan to minimise the damage to the society and country.Preparedness: A plan is chalked out to get quick response from public and administration.Impact of disaster: Intensity of disaster and disaster management are reviewed.Response: This stage deals with providing immediate response after an incident has occurred.Resurgence: It is an important link between emergency measures and national progress. It includes the steps which are required for the welfare and rehabilitation of the nation. Restoration: It is an important link between measures after disaster and national development. It includes steps useful for progress ofnation and rehabilitation.

Nature is a great gift to humanity. The beauty of nature cannot be explained in words. Due to the increasing human threats, the balance and beauty of nature are declining, resulting in various disasters like earthquakes, droughts, volcanos, etc. To save nature from destruction, the concept of disaster management has been introduced to people. Learn how to write a paragraph on disaster management by reading through the sample paragraphs given in the article.

Disaster management is the organisation and use of resources to respond to such emergencies needed during the time of disasters to save lives. India is prone to various types of disasters due to its geographical conditions. Some of the major natural disasters in India are cyclones, floods, droughts, landslides, earthquakes, storms, etc. Each year, some part of the country faces a disaster, and the government takes necessary actions for the same. These disasters cause economic crises and loss of human lives. They also cause damage to a number of public and private properties resulting in hunger, unemployment, loss of lives, etc.

Disaster management is defined as the organisation and use of resources as well as duties in order to respond to various emergency circumstances, whether they are man-made or natural disasters. It focuses on preparing people for a wide range of disasters and assisting them in responding more effectively, as well as ensuring recovery and reducing the total damage. Each year the world faces a number of disasters which brings in many kinds of crises and loss of human lives. Some of the major disasters in India are the 1999 super cyclone in Odisha, the 2001 Bhuj Earthquake and the 2004 Tsunami. Whenever the country goes through such disasters, the government takes necessary actions. Disaster management forums structure and plan different methods to reduce the impact of these disasters and various ways to tackle such emergencies so that lives can be saved.

The world is beset with calamities, some of which are catastrophic. The sad fact is that most of them are preventable. Natural calamities, for example, are unpredictable events that cause enormous damage to people and property. Natural and man-made disasters are both possible. It is essential to remediate the damage caused by these disasters. Disaster management helps in controlling and reducing the damages caused by such disasters. The technique aims to prevent disasters and mitigate the consequences of those that cannot be avoided. Some of the major disasters that have affected India are the 1999 super cyclone in Odisha, the 2001 Bhuj Earthquake, the 2004 Tsunami, etc. With time, the government has improved its disaster management methods and has saved the country from huge losses. The process of disaster management can be divided into two phases: pre-disaster planning and post-disaster recovery. This includes measures such as prevention, reduction, and planning designed to minimise the loss of lives and property as a result of a possible hazard. The second group of activities is post-disaster recovery, which comprises rescue, rehabilitation, and reconstruction. Search and rescue operations, supply of basic necessities, and prompt medical help from various authorities (like regional, national and international) are all part of the response phase. The immediate goal of the recovery phase is to return the affected areas to normalcy. It is impossible to prevent all disasters, but we can always limit the severity and empower ourselves with knowledge about management so that we can save many lives.

Disaster management is important for people and the government to prevent the nation from the hazardous consequences of the disaster, which can be either man-made or natural. In order to reduce the effects of disasters and save numerous lives, it is essential to be aware of disaster management.

A public health approach to disaster risk management will aim to decrease thevulnerability by adopting prevention and mitigation measures to reduce thephysical impact and to increase the coping capacity and preparedness of thehealth sector and community, in addition to providing traditional emergency care(response) once the disaster has occurred.

Typical interventions in the aftermath of disasters include strengthening themonitoring and surveillance of water quality, vector control, excretadisposal, solid waste management, health education, and food safety.

If donations and supplies are managed transparently during the emergency, theflow of assistance to the intended beneficiaries will be improved.Unsolicited and often inappropriate medical donations compete with valuablerelief supplies for scarce logistical resources. Good governance iscritical, and effective logistics cannot be improvised following a disaster.A humanitarian supply management system developed by PAHO and WHOsuccessfully helped developing countries improve transparency andaccountability in managing humanitarian supplies and donations (de Ville de Goyet, Acosta, and others1996).

The most compelling case for the cost-effectiveness of mitigation can be madeduring the planning phase for new installations, when costs of additionalstructural safety are minimal. Although the social benefits of prevention andrisk management are more evident in the health sector than in others, furtherstudies are needed to provide decision makers with quantified parameters of theeconomic benefits brought about by investment in risk management and disasterreduction.

The prime objective of a developing country is to develop. Emergencies anddisasters have proven to be major obstacles and setbacks in the path towardsustainable development. Conversely, the shortcomings in development programsand institutions reduce the effectiveness of the health response in times ofcrisis. Development and disaster risk management cannot be addressed separately.Reducing risk is not a luxury reserved for more developed societies; it is anecessity in countries with fragile economies and health systems. It is clearlya public health priority.

Learning from past disasters is difficult. At a national level, the relativelylong periods between major disasters result in few decision makers having priordisaster management experience. At an international level, the frequent turnoverof relief workers ensures that many of the actors are relatively inexperiencedand susceptible to adopting myths and clichés, which are rarelychallenged by the media and the academic world. It is time for an internationalinitiative to identify the best practices, and it is time for affected countriesand scientists to point out the inadequacies of responses.

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