Stake ?n Snake
In one version of Hermes' myth he is given the staff by Apollo, who was the god of healing among other attributes. In another version, he receives the staff from Zeus, the king of the gods, and it is entwined with two white ribbons. The ribbons were later replaced by serpents, as one story tells that Hermes used the stick to separate two fighting snakes, which then coiled around his staff and remained there in balanced harmony.
Stake ‘n Snake
Another, earlier depiction of the medical symbol is the staff of Asclepius, though it has no wings and only one snake. The son of Apollo and the human princess Coronis, Asclepius is the Greek demigod of medicine. According to mythology, he was able to restore the health of the sick and bring the dead back to life.
The Greeks regarded snakes as sacred and used them in healing rituals to honor Asclepius, as snake venom was thought to be remedial and their skin-shedding was viewed as a symbol of rebirth and renewal. Which is a good thing to keep in mind the next time you spot a medical alert bracelet featuring the seemingly sinister serpents.
If you are bitten by one of these snakes, Dr. Dennis Ashley with Navicent Health says you need to seek medical attention immediately. Also, do not try to suck the venom out. Do not use alcohol on the bite. Keep the area that was bitten above your heart, and remain calm.
Ting Lu green stakes can be found across the top left of the map, largely surrounding Casseroya Lake. You have to remove 8 of these shrines in order to battle the legendary Pokemon Ting Lu. The only way to tell how many stakes you still have to remove is to return to the shrine and check how many chains are holding it down.
Snakes play very important roles in many natural communities as predator and prey. They are extremely valuable to the agricultural community by keeping grain eating mammals in check. Recent studies suggest that snakes are also valuable in reducing disease threats posed by high rodent populations. Many snake populations have declined in Wisconsin due to habitat loss and human persecution. Even today, people who do not understand or appreciate their value continue to needlessly kill them. Of Wisconsin's 21 species, 14 are considered "rare" and listed as endangered, threatened or special concern.
One of the greatest challenges facing tribal resource managers is engaging tribal leaders and members in climate-related science and adaptation efforts and translating that information into relatable examples for them. High impact outreach, communication, and workshops about the value of ecosystems, a changing climate, adaptation projects, and mitigation efforts can motivate tribal leaders, staff, and membership to act in ways that protect and sustain the environment and their cultural resources. Climate-based decision making requires engaging people with diverse, conflicted, and/or limited perspectives in dialogues about what is at stake, who benefits, and who stands to lose without mitigation action. Collaborative learning and discussion can reduce conflict and contribute to the development of shared meaning amongst tribal leaders, members, and natural resource managers. These discussions can facilitate the development of actions and planning of future projects that sustain and create resilience for ecosystem services and cultural resources that support and sustain tribal lifeways.
Aesculapius was the god of medicine and was the son of Apollo, the god of healing (Figure 1). The Staff of Aesculapius is a rough-hewn branch representing plants and growth entwined by a single snake. Aesculapius was known as the god of medicine. He was killed by his grandfather, Zeus, with a thunderbolt because not enough people were passing onto the underworld due to his healing skills.3, 4
The popularity of the caduceus with two snakes is probably attributed to being more aesthetically appealing than the single snake on the Staff of Aesculapius (Figure 2). The symmetry is more balanced than the single snake.4 The caduceus if often used in medically related industries such as pharmaceuticals and hospital supplies.
I recently staked my increasingly top-heavy fiddle leaf fig plant, too, because it was leaning really badly. And my newest monstera, the monstera peru, needed a little bamboo stake to help keep it upright too.
Several of the nonvenomous snake species are commonly misidentified as one of the four venomous species found in Illinois. Since a number of species of snakes vibrate their tails when they feel threatened, people sometimes mistakenly confuse them for rattlesnakes. The eastern foxsnake (Pantherophis vulpinus) is sometimes confused with the similarly looking massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus). Learn how to distinguish between a fox snake and a massasauga.
Venomous snakes use their venom to kill birds and small mammals that they eat. Snake venom may cause tissue or nerve damage to humans, but a snake bite is usually not fatal to humans if proper medical treatment is received.
There are only four species of venomous snakes native to Illinois. The massasauga is listed as state endangered. The timber rattlesnake is listed as state threatened. The cottonmouth is found only in southern Illinois, and the copperhead is found in the southern two-thirds of the state.
Alternatively, the tines of a potato rake or a hoe can be carefully slipped under the center of a snake to quickly lift the snake into a container. Place a lid on the container and secure it. Release the snake outside as soon as possible.
Snakes should be released onto the same property where they were found. The area should be located away from roads, provide sunlit areas that are not frequently mowed, and have areas of cover, such as tall grass, logs, or rocks, under which the snake can hide.
Plunk your snake plant in a new pot with fresh soil. You do have to water your plant right away since the new soil is bone-dry, but then please begin watering the snake plant more sparingly from now on.
When you feel no moisture at all, even a few inches deep, then you need to water your snake plant today, ideally right now. When the soil is a little damp, plan to water the plant in another day or two, maybe a couple of days. Damp soil requires no further action until the soil can dry out further.
What kind of soil should you use for your snake plant? The Sansevieria trifasciata species or snake plant prefers soilless potting mix with peat moss, coconut coir, perlite, vermiculite, bark, and/or sand.
To reiterate, fungal diseases are a major snake plant killer. Get to know the symptoms of plant rust, southern blight, and red leaf spot so you can identify these bacterial diseases in your snake plant early and keep it alive.
What are my chances of dying from a venomous snakebite? How much venom is in a snake? What snake venom is most toxic? Below are the answers to these questions and more. If you have a question that is not answered here, contact Dr. J for more info.
The chances of dying from a venomous snakebite in the United States is nearly zero, because we have available, high-quality medical care in the U.S. Fewer than one in 37,500 people are bitten by venomous snakes in the U.S. each year (7-8,000 bites per year), and only one in 50 million people will die from snakebite (5-6 fatalities per year). Did you know that you are nine times more likely to die from being struck by lightning than to die of venomous snakebite? The graph below compares deaths from venomous snakebites to some leading causes of death, lightning strikes and other animal related deaths.
Poisons are substances that are toxic (cause harm) if swallowed or inhaled. Venoms are generally not toxic if swallowed, and must be injected under the skin (by snakes, spiders, etc.) into the tissues that are normally protected by skin in order to be toxic. However, we do NOT recommend drinking venom!
The venom gland is a modified salivary gland, and is located just behind and below the eye. The size of the venom gland depends on the size of the snake - this image shows the approximate size of the venom gland in relation to the skull of this Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus).
A comparative study found that the snake venom that is most toxic to mice (of the species tested) is that of the Inland Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus), found in Australia. The most toxic venom of U.S. species belongs to the Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus), although this snake is only ranked #23 on the list of most toxic venoms. It is important to note that these venoms were only tested on mice. While these tests provide valuable ecological information about venomous snakes that eat mice and other small mammals, it may not accurately reflect how toxic they are to humans. The world's deadliest snake is probably the Saw-scaled Viper (Echis carinatus), because it causes the most documented deaths. However, many of these deaths are likely due to lack of medical care.
Venom delivery is voluntary -- snakes squeeze their venom blands with muscles to deliver venom. All venomous snakes could deliver dry bites. Estimates show that 20-25% of all pit viper bites and 50% of Coral Snake bites are dry bites. Occasionally, the venom may be prematurely expelled from the fangs before they puncture the skin, which can also result in a dry bite.
No, there are no reported deaths from a Pygmy Rattlesnake on record. However, in certain cases or situations (victim is very young or elderly, no medical care accessible), fatality could occur.
The name 'Cottonmouth' comes from the defensive behavior of this snake. When threatened, the snake will coil its body and open its mouth to show the white, cotton-colored inside as a warning. Although there are several theories about the name 'Water Moccasin', no one knows for sure where these snakes got this name. Early settlers may have called the Cottonmouth and the closely related Copperhead "Moccasins" due to their brown, "moccasin-colored" skin, or due to the fact that these pit vipers lack rattles, moving as silently as the moccasin-wearing native Americans.