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Eldar Matveyev

Skat-Freeware: Das beliebteste Kartenspiel Deutschlands auf deinem PC

How to Download and Play Skat, the Popular German Card Game, on Your Computer

Skat is a card game that has been enjoyed by millions of people in Germany and around the world for over two centuries. It is a game of strategy, skill, and luck that can provide hours of fun and challenge. If you are interested in learning how to play skat or improving your skat skills, you might want to download and install skat software on your computer. In this article, we will explain what skat is and why you should play it, how to download and install skat software on your computer, and how to play skat online or offline with skat software.

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What is Skat and Why Should You Play It?

Skat is a trick-taking card game for three players, but usually four participate, with each player sitting out a turn as dealer. It is Germanys national card game. It originated in Altenburg, near Leipzig, about 1817 and is played wherever Germans have settled; the International Skat Players Association (ISPA) has affiliates in more than a dozen countries.

The History and Origins of Skat

Skat was created in 1840 in Altenburg, Germany by Brommesche Tarok-Gesellschaft members. The game is a mixture of Schafkopf, Tarok (Tarot), and lHombre. The name skat comes from the Latin word scartare, which means "to discard". This refers to the two cards that are dealt facedown to form the skat, or widow, which the declarer can use to improve his hand. The first official rules of skat were published in 1886 by the German Skat Federation. Since then, skat has undergone several changes and refinements. The current rules, followed by both the ISPA and the German Skat Federation, date from Jan. 1, 1999.

The Rules and Variations of Skat

Skat is played with a 32-card deck. There are four suits: Diamonds, Hearts, Spades and Clubs. Each suit consists of eight cards: 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace. In the English deck, the Jack, Queen, King and Ace are represented by the letters J, Q, K, A.

The dealer shuffles and then the player to their right cuts the deck. The dealer deals 3 cards to each player, 2 cards to the center (this is the skat), then 4 cards to each player. If the dealer is the fourth player, they deal to each other player and sit out.

The players then bid for the right to declare the trump suit and play a contract against the other two players. The lowest bid is 18 points. The player to the left of the dealer is the forehand (F), the player to the left of the forehand is the middlehand (M), and the player to their left is the rearhand (R). If there are only 3 players, the dealer is the rearhand. F is the first to bid. M can either pass or bid a higher value. If M passes, F can either pass or declare a contract. If F passes, R can either pass or bid a higher value. If R passes, the hand is not played and the next dealer deals. If R bids, F can either pass or bid a higher value. The bidding continues until two players pass consecutively. The player who makes the highest bid becomes the declarer and picks up the skat.

The declarer then chooses one of the following contracts to play:

  • Grand: Only the four jacks are trumps. The declarer tries to take at least 61 card points.

  • Null: There are no trumps and no card points. The declarer tries to lose every trick.

  • Suit: One of the four suits is chosen as trumps. The order of the cards is A 10 K Q J 9 8 7. The declarer tries to take at least 61 card points.

The declarer can also announce additional conditions to increase the value of the contract, such as hand (not using the skat), schneider (taking 90 or more card points), schwarz (taking all tricks), ouvert (playing with open cards), or a combination of these.

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The two opponents play as a team against the declarer. They try to prevent the declarer from fulfilling their contract. The player to the left of the declarer leads the first trick. The other players must follow suit if possible. If not, they can play any card. The highest card of the suit led or the highest trump wins the trick. The winner of a trick leads the next one.

After all 10 tricks are played, the declarer counts their card points and compares them with their bid and contract. If they succeed, they win the game and score points according to a scoring table. If they fail, they lose the game and lose twice the points they would have won.

There are many variations of skat, such as ramsch (a negative game where the player with the most points loses), bock (a round where all scores are doubled), kontra and re (a way of increasing the stakes by challenging or accepting a contract), and others. Skat software usually allows you to choose which rules and variations you want to play with.

The Benefits and Challenges of Skat

Skat is a game that offers many benefits and challenges for its players. Some of them are:

  • Skat is a game of mental exercise that can improve your memory, concentration, logic, and calculation skills.

  • Skat is a game of social interaction that can help you make friends, communicate better, and have fun.

  • Skat is a game of strategy that can teach you how to plan ahead, adapt to changing situations, and balance risk and reward.

  • Skat is a game of luck that can test your nerves, patience, and resilience.

  • Skat is a game of culture that can expose you to different traditions, customs, and languages.

However, skat is also a game that has some challenges for its players. Some of them are:

  • Skat is a game that requires a lot of practice and experience to master.

  • Skat is a game that has many rules and variations that can be confusing and overwhelming for beginners.

  • Skat is a game that can be frustrating and stressful when things go wrong or when opponents are rude or dishonest.

  • Skat is a game that can be addictive and time-consuming when played too much or too seriously.

  • Skat is a game that can be expensive and inaccessible when played with physical cards or in clubs or tournaments.

Therefore, skat is a game that should be played with moderation, respect, and enjoyment.

How to Download and Install Skat Software on Your Computer

If you want to play skat on your computer, you will need to download and install skat software that suits your preferences and needs. There are many skat software options available for different platforms, such as Windows 11, Android devices, Mac OS X, Linux, etc. Here are some of the best skat software for each platform:

The Best Skat Software for Windows 11

Absolute Skat for Windows 11

Absolute Skat for Windows 11 is a skat software that is designed for Windows 11 users. It has a modern and intuitive interface that allows you to play skat with realistic graphics and sounds. You can choose from different difficulty levels, game modes, rule settings, and card designs. You can also play online with other players or offline with computer opponents. Absolute Skat for Windows 11 also features a comprehensive tutorial, a statistics function, a skat lexicon, and a skat calculator. You can download Absolute Skat for Windows 11 from the Microsoft Store. The price is $9.99.

The Best Skat Software for Android Devices

Skat - Apps on Google Play

Skat - Apps on Google Play is a skat software that is compatible with Android devices. It has a simple and user-friendly interface that allows you to play skat with smooth animations and sounds. You can choose from different game variants, rule options, and card decks. You can also play online with other players or offline with computer opponents. Skat - Apps on Google Play also features a training mode, a puzzle mode, a ranking system, and a chat function. You can download Skat - Apps on Google Play from the Google Play Store. The app is free to download, but it contains ads and in-app purchases.

The Best Skat Software for Other Platforms

SKAT - Free download and software reviews - CNET Download

SKAT - Free download and software reviews - CNET Download is a skat software that is compatible with Mac OS X, Linux, and other platforms. It has a classic and functional interface that allows you to play skat with realistic graphics and sounds. You can choose from different game types, rule variations, and card sets. You can also play online with other players or offline with computer opponents. SKAT - Free download and software reviews - CNET Download also features a help function, a history function, a replay function, and a score sheet. You can download SKAT - Free download and software reviews - CNET Download from the CNET Download website. The software is free to download and use.

How to Play Skat Online or Offline with Skat Software

Once you have downloaded and installed skat software on your computer, you can start playing skat online or offline with skat software. Here are some tips on how to do that:

How to Join or Create a Skat Table Online

If you want to play skat online with other players, you will need to join or create a skat table online. To do that, you will need to:

  • Launch your skat software and select the online mode.

  • Register or log in with your username and password.

  • Browse the available tables or create your own table.

  • Select the table that matches your preferences and join it.

  • Wait for other players to join or invite your friends.

  • Start playing skat online with other players.

When playing skat online with other players, you should follow the etiquette and rules of the game. You should also be respectful and polite to your opponents and partners. You should avoid cheating, quitting, or spamming. You should also have fun and enjoy the game.

How to Play Skat Offline with Computer Opponents

If you want to play skat offline with computer opponents, you will need to:

  • Launch your skat software and select the offline mode.

  • Select the difficulty level of the computer opponents.

  • Select the game variant and rule settings of the game.

  • Select the card design of the game.

  • Start playing skat offline with computer opponents.

When playing skat offline with computer opponents, you should try to challenge yourself and improve your skills. You should also learn from your mistakes and analyze your moves. You should also have fun and enjoy the game.

How to Improve Your Skat Skills with Training and Puzzles

If you want to improve your skat skills with training and puzzles, you will need to:

  • Launch your skat software and select the training or puzzle mode.

  • Select the topic or difficulty level of the training or puzzle.

  • Follow the instructions or hints of the training or puzzle.

  • Solve the problem or complete the task of the training or puzzle.

  • Check your solution or result of the training or puzzle.

When improving your skat skills with training and puzzles, you should try to practice regularly and consistently. You should also seek feedback and advice from other players or experts. You should also read books or articles about skat strategies and tactics. You should also have fun and enjoy the game.


Skat is a card game that has been popular in Germany and around the world for over two centuries. It is a game of strategy, skill, and luck that can provide hours of fun and challenge. If you want to play skat on your computer, you can download and install skat software that suits your preferences and needs. You can also play skat online or offline with skat software. You can also improve your skat skills with training and puzzles. Skat is a game that offers many benefits and challenges for its players. It is a game that should be played with moderation, respect, and enjoyment.


Here are some frequently asked questions about skat:

  • How many cards are in a skat deck?

A skat deck consists of 32 cards. There are four suits: Diamonds, Hearts, Spades and Clubs. Each suit consists of eight cards: 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace.

  • How do you score points in skat?

You score points in skat by winning tricks with card points or by fulfilling your contract. The card points are as follows: Ace = 11, 10 = 10, King = 4, Queen = 3, Jack = 2, 7-9 = 0. The value of the contract depends on the type of the game, the trump suit, and the additional conditions announced by the declarer.

  • What is the difference between grand and null in skat?

Grand and null are two types of contracts that the declarer can choose to play in skat. In grand, only the four jacks are trumps and the declarer tries to take at least 61 card points. In null, there are no trumps and no card points and the declarer tries to lose every trick.

  • What is the best skat software for beginners?

The best skat software for beginners is one that has a comprehensive tutorial, a training mode, a puzzle mode, and a help function. Some examples are Absolute Skat for Windows 11, Skat - Apps on Google Play, and SKAT - Free download and software reviews - CNET Download.

  • Where can I find more information about skat?

You can find more information about skat on the following websites:

  • The International Skat Players Association (ISPA) website

  • The German Skat Federation website

  • The Wikipedia article on skat


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