One Piece Episode 323
Blissfully unspoilered One Piece noob takes the plunge and wades through the eight-hundred plus episodes of One Piece for the first time.POSTS: Monday, Thursday, Saturday. TWITTER: @thdray1 Will answer questions there too.DISCUSSION: If you want to join in the One Piece chat, I've set replies to week-long followers only (as spoiler protection). Reblogs work, though, so I'll answer from those too.
One Piece Episode 323
Loved this episode. We are distributors for a System Built Home supplier that is using a lot of these concepts. Due to a skilled labor shortage (we build in ski resort communities in Colorado) these panel homes allow for a faster build in severe climates and much of the labor is in a controlled environment, and we get a fixed price on the lumber package. Last year we had a 29% price increase on lumber due to the new tariffs on raw materials.
I am currently half way through my re-listening (second time) of all 99% invisible episodes :) love em. Thanks Roman. Anyway, I first listened to the Sears mail-order homes over 2 years ago. So, I now have come accross this link and was reminded: -s-world/house-ordered-from-sears-catalog-in-1920s-still-standing/?fbclid=IwAR0L7hrMy95EeV5x-BoKYXbQyshuyDb23qLjfQ0H0x_dvdbKnUA0naHdrtM
Maddy Roche: [00:00:25] Hello and welcome to #XYPNRadio episode 323. I'm Maddy Roche your host. For the past four years, XYPN has conducted an annual benchmarking study, a comprehensive survey that gathers core performance indicators of member participant firms and ultimately draws conclusions about the success of different business models, fee structures, and niches. On today's episode, Alan Moore and Michael Kitces XYPN co-founders discuss this year's 5th annual results and you'll see with our maturing network and maturing member firms, the study is showing a much clearer understanding of what's working and what's not working in fee-only RIAs. Like every year, this episode of Alan and Michael talking about the benchmarking study is particularly interesting and helpful for those of you who are considering starting the long play of the entrepreneurial journey, as well as those who have already begun it. I encourage you to listen closely and then go back to the previous conversations about the surveys in years past and use them as resources to build your ideal firm. If you're interested in what really works, yes, meaning proven with data when it comes to building your firm, then this show is for you. Without further ado, here's Alan and Michael's conversation about XYPN's 2021 Benchmarking Study.
Alan Moore: [00:02:40] Michael Kitces and Alan Moore here today with you. It has been a very long time since we have recorded a podcast episode together. It's possible has been approximately 12 months since we recorded our conversation last year talking about the benchmarking survey. So, Michael, welcome to #XYPNRadio.
Michael Kitces: [00:12:14] My gut is-is a piece of this again, is just we're getting clear about the value proposition, you know, to be-to be candid, I-I'm skeptical how many members are really like drastically ramping up their, you know, like their niche growth right out of the gate and literally in year zero. Although I will say, at least anecdotally, I'm seeing that a little bit more. Some some advisors that are joining, particularly those who are joining from from like career changing and starting in the industry, not necessarily coming out from another firm who are-who are figuring out what niche they're going to go after before they even launch and they actually start laying the groundwork in the pre-launch phase. Maybe they're getting involved in that community or getting involved in social media with them, or like starting some blog or things so that by the time they launch, they actually already have a little bit of presence. But my gut as well is just, I think, for the whole financial planning space in the aggregate, which is getting at least a little bit better, explaining what the heck financial planning is and what we're going to do for you. Like, bless the soul of the people who are starting this five years ago. But there were very, very I mean, just there were very few advisors and XYPN. There were very few advisors doing fee for service, like there were no models. No one was talking about client service calendars. No one was talking about how to-how to show the value of ongoing financial planning fees. At best, it was like, well, I'm going to I'm going to make a comprehensive financial plan for you. It'll be a little skimmed down so that it's not too-too expensive. And like, we'll do these quick start plans and try to get going like that was the model then. Now we're seeing a lot more of I know what I'm doing and what I'm offering. I've already put together our client service calendar that explains what I'm going to be doing. I'm clear on my fee structure. I know what I'm offering out into the marketplace and I can-I can believe that also is just getting a little bit more revenue growing-growing quickly. I don't think this is ever going to be like we get so good at launching firms by understating fee for service that advisors can just do like fifty or a hundred thousand of revenue in the first year, just it failing anything else. Even as we get better at describing our value proposition and the rest, it just it takes time to get established. It takes time for just your community of wherever it is that you mark and show up for, as the saying goes, people do business with people they know, like and trust, you know, they can trust and who have a decent service for sale. So like, we're getting better at the at the decent service for sale and how we explain it. But you can only get people going so fast. You can only show up the first time at a meeting so many times and have someone say like, Well, I've never seen you before, and you're basically a total stranger, but it seems like you know what you're doing. Let's just do my comprehensive financial plan right here, like it still takes time. It still takes some time.
Maddy Roche: [01:07:16] Be sure to join our VIP community at to hang out with other #XYPNRadio listeners ask questions for future mailbag episodes. And finally, to find a community of like-minded financial advisors. Thank you so much for joining me today. We'll see you next time.
Freakonomics Radio is produced by WNYC Studios and Dubner Productions. This episode was produced by Alvin Melathe. Our staff also includes Alison Hockenberry, Merritt Jacob, Greg Rosalsky, Stephanie Tam, Max Miller, Harry Huggins and Brian Gutierrez. The music throughout the episode was composed by Luis Guerra. You can subscribe to Freakonomics Radio on Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook, or via email at
Through her consultancy business Peach Perfect Financials, she helps bloggers level up their business and gain control and clarity over their finances. And in this episode, she shares why you should have a business bank account, how to keep track of your expenses, how to structure your business to optimize your taxes, and more.
Letters in Canada 1977 Once again, the editors of the University of Toronto Quarterly wish to say farewell and thank you to several contributors to 'Letters in Canada: and give a warm welcome to new collaborators to our journal. Gabrielle Poulin, who has been responsible for several years for 'Romans, nkits, contes et nouvelles: has decided to give up this task in order to spend more time on her critical reviews in the printed and electronic media of Quebec. Rene Dionne has also chosen to leave his post as chronicler of our 'Poesie' section. To both we express our heartfelt appreciation for a task well done. Lise Gauvin of the Universite de Montreal, has taken over the reviewing of French-language fiction. She is a member of the editorial boards of the important journals Etudes fran,aises and Possibles and a much-respected critic. Richard Giguere of the Universite de Sherbrooke, is now responsible for the"Poesie' column. He is on the editorial board of the vital publication Ellipse, and a keen observer of French-language poetry. We also welcome Natalia Aponiuk of the University of Manitoba, who will review works in Ukrainian for the section 'Publications in Other Languages. ' (s.-z.s.) Fiction 1 / SAM SOLECKI Since an author's first book is rarely, if ever, his major achievement the reviewer must in most cases treat it as apprentice work; he must look for signs of promise, for indications of a potentially greater talent than that immediately displayed. For every Invisible Man or The Mountain and the Valley there are dozens of first novels of now purely historical or academic interest like Strange Fugitive, The Acrobats, But We Are Exiles, and This Side Jordan. Most probably, we read the first work with a kind of schizophrenic attention: on the one hand, we apply our usual standards to it - how does it measure up against the best of Dostoievski?; on the other, we never really forget that this is the work of a beginner and therefore we make the necessary adjustments - all right, is it as good as Poor Folk? I recognize this duality, for example, in Malcolm Ross's response to Oonah McFee's Sandbars: 'As a first novel it is incredibly good UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO QUARTERLY, VOLUME XLVII , NUMBER 4 . SUMMER 1978 0042-0247178/0900-323 $0.00/0 UNrvERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS 1978 }24 LETTERS IN CANADA 1977 a remarkable piece of work, full of insight.' The omission of the opening clause would make this a much stronger judgment of approbation ; its inclusion indicates a qualification, undefined yet clearly understood . Where in 1976 there appeared, untypically I think, several first works that could be judged by the highest standards or whose complexity demanded a particularly sophisticated response from the reader (Ondaatje 's Coming Through Slaughter, for example), in 1977 there were only two that struck me as meriting serious attention, Sandbars and Leon Rooke's The Love Parlour; and, strictly speaking, only Sandbars is a first appearance, since The Love Parlour is Rooke's fourth book but his first Canadian . one. I felt that none of the other first works was either worth reading or displayed any particular promise. The turgid and pretentious prose of John Bentley Mays's The Spiral Stair I found almost impenetrable ; John Saul's political thriller The Birds of Prey had an interesting plot but kept reminding me of how much more skilfully Graham Greene does this sort of thing; Pauline Gedge's much publicized prize-winning historical novel, The Child of Morning, is really closer to The Golden Dog than to serious historical fiction which illuminates both the past it represents and the present in which it is written; Chipman Hall's Lightly, a kind of eastern Who Has Seen the Wind, is ruined by an almost unbearably sentimental tone and by the improbabilities of its plot. In none of these novels nor in the handful of others I read did I find a particularly interesting vision of life expressed in a distinctive style. Oonah McFee's Sandbars (Macmillan, }57, $11.95) is clearly a much stronger novel than any of the above. Like Hugh Hood's The New Age or... 041b061a72