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Álbum virtual rusia 2018 apk: A fun and easy way to follow the World Cup action

How to Enjoy the World Cup with the Álbum Virtual Rusia 2018 APK

The 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia was one of the most thrilling and memorable events in the history of football. Millions of fans around the world cheered for their favorite teams and players, witnessed amazing goals and saves, and experienced the joy and sorrow of victory and defeat. If you are one of those fans who want to relive the excitement of the World Cup, or if you missed it and want to catch up, there is a perfect app for you: the Álbum Virtual Rusia 2018 APK.

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What is the Álbum Virtual Rusia 2018 APK?

A digital version of the Panini sticker album for the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia

The Álbum Virtual Rusia 2018 APK is a web application that offers football fans the chance to collect and trade virtual stickers of the players and teams who participated in the World Cup. It is based on the famous Panini sticker album, which has been a tradition for every World Cup since 1970. The app features all 32 national teams, their rosters, badges, kits, stadiums, and more. You can also find special stickers of legends, mascots, trophies, and other surprises.

A fun and interactive way to collect and trade virtual stickers of your favorite players and teams

The app allows you to create your own personalized album, where you can paste your stickers and see your progress. You can also swap your doubles with other collectors from around the world, using a simple and secure system. You can chat with them, make offers, accept or decline trades, and rate your experience. You can also join groups of collectors who share your interests, preferences, or location.

A contest with prizes for completing your album and challenges

The app is not only fun, but also rewarding. All Panini fans who successfully complete their albums before the 31 August 2021 deadline will receive an entry into the Prize Draw, with 50 main prizes and 50 runners-up prizes on offer. The main prizes include official match balls, jerseys, backpacks, caps, and more. The runners-up prizes include Panini albums, stickers, books, and more. You can also win prizes by completing challenges, such as collecting specified stickers or activating them on your album.

How to download and install the Álbum Virtual Rusia 2018 APK?

The official app for IOS and Android users

If you have an IOS or Android device, you can download and install the official app from the App Store or Google Play. Just search for "Panini Digital Sticker Album" or scan this QR code:

Once you have installed the app, you can sign in with your account or create one if you don't have one already. You can also sign in with Facebook or The alternative method for other devices

If you don't have an IOS or Android device, or if you prefer to use a web browser, you can still access the app through the Álbum Virtual Rusia 2018 APK. This is a file that you can download and install on your device, and it will allow you to run the app as if it were a native app. To download and install the APK, follow these steps:

  • Go to this website:

  • Click on the "Download APK" button and save the file on your device.

  • Open the file and follow the instructions to install the app. You may need to enable the "Unknown sources" option in your device settings to allow the installation.

  • Launch the app and sign in with your account or create one if you don't have one already. You can also sign in with Facebook or Google.

How to use the Álbum Virtual Rusia 2018 APK?

How to open virtual packets and paste stickers on your album

Once you have signed in, you can start collecting stickers. You will receive two free packets of four stickers each day, as well as a welcome packet of eight stickers when you first log in. To open a packet, just tap on it and swipe to reveal the stickers. You can then drag and drop them on your album, or use the "Paste all" button to do it automatically. You can also zoom in and out of your album pages, and tap on any sticker to see more details about it.

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How to swap your doubles with other collectors

If you have any duplicate stickers, you can trade them with other collectors to complete your album faster. To do this, go to the "Swap Zone" section of the app, where you can see all the collectors who are online and their offers. You can filter them by country, language, group, or sticker type. You can also create your own offer by selecting the stickers you want to give and the ones you want to receive. You can then chat with other collectors, accept or decline their offers, and rate them after each trade.

How to get more stickers and promo codes

If you want to get more stickers, you have several options. You can buy them with real money using your credit card or PayPal account. You can also earn them by completing surveys, watching videos, or downloading apps from third-party providers. You can also get them by entering promo codes that are released periodically by Panini or its partners. To enter a promo code, go to the "Promo Codes" section of the app and type or scan the code. You will then receive a packet of four stickers for each valid code.

How to complete challenges and enter the prize draw

The app also offers you some challenges that you can complete to win prizes and enter the prize draw. The challenges are divided into three categories: album challenges, group challenges, and special challenges. Album challenges are related to your progress in completing your album, such as collecting all the stickers of a team or a group. Group challenges are related to your participation in groups of collectors, such as joining a group or inviting friends. Special challenges are related to specific events or dates, such as collecting a sticker of the player of the match or celebrating a national holiday.

To complete a challenge, you need to activate it first by tapping on it and confirming your choice. You can only activate one challenge at a time, and you have 48 hours to complete it. Once you complete a challenge, you will receive a reward, such as extra stickers, coins, or entries into the prize draw. The prize draw is held every month, and you can see how many entries you have in the "Prizes" section of the app.

Why should you try the Álbum Virtual Rusia 2018 APK?

The benefits of collecting digital stickers over physical ones

The Álbum Virtual Rusia 2018 APK offers you some advantages over collecting physical stickers. For example:

  • You don't have to spend money on buying packets or albums.

  • You don't have to worry about losing or damaging your stickers.

  • You don't have to deal with glue or scissors.

  • You can access your album anytime and anywhere.

  • You can interact with other collectors from different countries.

  • You can win prizes and enter contests.

The excitement of following the The excitement of following the World Cup with your album

The Álbum Virtual Rusia 2018 APK also allows you to enjoy the World Cup in a more immersive way. You can follow the matches, results, standings, and statistics of the tournament on the app. You can also see how your stickers perform on the pitch, and collect new ones as the tournament progresses. You can also compare your album with oth


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